Provision and responsibility

Today’s faithful daily read is Numbers 18 and Hebrews 10:1-8

In today’s reading from Numbers we see God’s provision for Aaron’s household (the priests) and the Levites. Aaron and his family are able to partake of the gifts offered to God. The best of the land, the unblemished sacrifices tithed by the Israelites becomes the sustenance of the priests and Levites. God is an abundant provider for those who serve him.

However, this provision also comes with a weight of responsibility for maintaining and protecting the sanctuary and tent of the meeting. God charges Aaron to take up this mantle and ‘bear [the] iniquity connected with the sanctuary’. If anything happens to desecrate the holiness of God in that place, as his responsibility, he will pay for it with his life!

Great provision but also great responsibility.

Our reading in Hebrews continues to expound that Jesus is the true sacrifice. The writer states that the sacrificial system of Israel was repeated year after year and did not ‘make perfect those who draw near’ (v1). The sacrificial system was a reminder of the people’s sin and in Hebrews we read the explicit statement that ‘it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins’ (v4). Indeed, the law was but a shadow of the good things to come…

Jesus is the answer – his sacrifice, his blood spilled on the cross is the only means by which we can be cleansed and purified from our sin.

For us, this knowledge, this true life, this cleansing… our salvation… is the greatest provision of God. It nourishes and sustains us as we can freely commune with the Living God.

And like Aaron, this great provision also comes with great responsibility. We are charged to ‘live a life a life worth of the calling you have received’ (Eph 4:1) and to take this knowledge of Salvation to the ends of the earth. Loving God, loving others.

How are you shouldering the weight of this responsibility today? Remembering that Christ promises his burden is easy (Mt 11:28-30) we should relish the opportunity to put our shoulder to the yoke and work hard for the gospel of Christ to be realised in our own and other lives. Not to gain the provision of salvation, but because of it. Perhaps today we can allow the mantle of responsibility to sink deep into our hearts as we respond in joyful celebration to Jesus sacrifice for us.


2 thoughts on “Provision and responsibility

  1. I am a bit late replying but I thought I would mention that the many spiritual blessings in this Hebrews passage are plentiful , rich , exciting and sufficient for us.
    eg vs2 we are cleansed once and for all, and we need no longer feel guilty for our sins! Yes we must confess daily, but to have guilt taken away is an amazing privilege.

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