Tripping over our tongues

While these chapters in Judges might be easily passed over – they serve as a warning about the implications what our words can lead to (also see James 3).  The rashness of Jephthah’s ill-considered vow in Judges 11:34-40, is followed in chapter 12 by disquiet from the tribe of Ephraim who had their noses out of joint perceiving that they had been ignored in the call to arms against the Ammonites.  The name calling that follows soon escalates into a civil war between the Gileadites and the Ephramites.  Any celebration of the Lord’s victory (v3) is quickly forgotten and judgement, division and hatred become the order of the day.

This is a story that should ring alarm bells for all followers of God of what conflict and complaint will lead to – the glorious work of God being trashed. Ironically, it is the words of the escaping Ephramites that lead to their slaughter as they are caught out not being able to pronounce the word “Shibboleth” which means either ‘an ear of corn” or a “flowing stream”.

Paul was well aware of the dangers of division and seeks to address this in Colossians 2.  In our New Testament reading from v.6-15, verse 8 begins in the King James Version with the word “Beware” and summarizes the rest of the chapter, in  which Paul warns the church of the dangers of putting things that will divide above our focus on the work of Christ.

1 thought on “Tripping over our tongues

  1. Thank you Glenn. In Proverbs 18:21 it says “that the power of life and death is in the tongue”. I think that we as Christians need to become better informed about the power of the words that we speak. Careless word like,” I’m sick to death”, and then wonder why we are always sick. Careless phrases as,” I’m never going to change”, and then we wonder why someone is struggling with the same problems over and over again. Or in regards to speaking negative about our church or its leaders. Once our words come out of our mouths they can be used for good or for evil. Maybe more of us need to ask God to “put a guard over our mouths and ask the Lord to keep watch over the door of our lips” Psalm 141;3. Words are powerful and each one will be need to give an account for every careless word spoken Matthew 12;36. When we speak out words that are wrong we can come quickly to God in prayer and renounce them so that they will not have any power over us. As we spend time in Gods Word we will find that our minds will start to change the way we think and the way we speak. “Being transformed by the renewing of our minds” Romans 12;2.

    Ultimately whats in our heart will come out of our mouths.” For whatever is in your heart determines what you say”,Matthew 12;34b.

    I love the Colossians reading because the enemy can’t accuse us (he can try, but it won’t stick) when we do sin, even with our mouths, if we come to the cross. The power of the cross and how we believe in its power will impact how we live. We will find ourselves at the foot of the cross not just at conversion but throughout our Christian lives over and over again. Living a life of repentance and faith. Keeping short accounts with God so that we can walk in His peace. Being washed by the Blood of Christ and then having the faith to believe in its cleansing power. What a Saviour!!!

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