Think on such things

Today’s FDR is from 2 Kings 22 and Philippians 4:1-9.

Our Old Testament reading today comes as somewhat of a relief. Israel once again has a King who ‘did what was right in the eyes of the Lord’. King Josiah’s predecessors Manasseh and Amon were particularly detestable and led Israel into sin. By contrast, the young King reads the ‘book of the law’ and realises how much Israel has turned their back on God and rightly discerns that God’s wrath is ‘kindled against us’ – which is subsequently confirmed by Huldah’s prophecy of impending doom. Josiah’s response is detailed in tomorrow’s reading but for today perhaps we can sit with the knowledge that our God takes our sin seriously. Seriously enough to make the ultimate sacrifice in Jesus to bring us back into relationship with him.

Our New Testament reading encourages the Philippians to stand firm and to let our lives be characterised by peace. There are so many practical encouragements included in this passage,

  • Stand firm (v1)
  • Rejoice in the Lord (v4)
  • Be gentle/reasonable to everyone (v5)
  • Do not be anxious (v6)
  • Prayer earnestly with thanksgiving (v6)
  • Think about praiseworthy things (v8)
  • Practice the Godly life (v9)

I am particularly interested that Paul encourages the Philippians to fill their minds with pure, lovely, excellent and commendable things. It would appear that both Paul and ourselves live in a world that is intent on filling our lives with depraved superficiality – it is all too easy to allow our minds to fill up with rubbish (just turn on the TV). We would do well to hear Paul’s exhortation and deliberatley focus on those things which bring our gaze back to Christ.

1 thought on “Think on such things

  1. Thanks Steve.I like the way you itemised the practical encouragements Paul gives us in Philippians 4. Verse 6 telling us not to be anxious has been my ‘go to verse’ for many years . Philippians 4 and James 1 are great chapters to read when you feel you have hit a brick wall. I am going to use your bullet point method and go through James 1 to list encouragements in the same way. Thanks again.

    Lindy P

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