The Church of ME

Today we are reading Ephesians 4:17-32 and Ecclesiastes 9

This Ephesians passage was part of the Fuse depth series 2 weeks ago and one of the home group studies.


I just love the worship song playlist, all the sermons cover my favourite bible subjects and passages, everyone I talk too agrees with me on pretty much everything, it’s great that we have no theological disagreements, it’s good that we all come from the same educational and socio-economic background, the people here are interesting to talk to – no awkward moments in welcome time, we even have the same sense of humour. Amazing!

We enjoy great unity. It’s a great church. I love this church!

Easy to laugh at too but sadly it’s often the truth………not just for me but for many I think.

A real church of course is made up of  different people with different views, backgrounds, likes and dislikes and of course……………problems.

Following on from Peters reflection yesterday, Ephesians 4 is pretty much book ended by vs 2 and 32. “bearing with one and other in love”…..and “forgiving each other as Christ forgave you”.

In this church we are to “put off the old…..put on the new”

This is highly intentional. It would be so much easier if we could passively blob around and God by his spirit would almost magically transform us into the “new”.

We have to desire the new, seek the new, and yes by the power of his spirit we will slowly be changed, transformed. He helps us put off, put on. In fact without Him we wont at all.

Frustratingly though it’s a lifetime journey and a daily thing.

As we do, “bitterness, rage, anger, brawling, slander and malice will fade to be replaced with kindness, compassion and forgiveness.

Surprisingly too the church of me will also become less important.


2 thoughts on “The Church of ME

  1. Good point Al. I will remind myself of this wisdom when I hear things said in our church that I do not necessarily agree with.

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